The best thing about this event was the enthusiasm that was evident from both the speakers and audience. I have no doubt that this resulted from the care that the organisers took in selecting speakers and the lengths they went to ensure that each speaker had a very good idea of the content that one another would be covering. Fascinating audience – I look forward to visiting again

— David Doherty


The best thing about this event was the enthusiasm that was evident from both the speakers and audience. I have no doubt that this resulted from the care that the organisers took in selecting speakers and the lengths they went to ensure that each speaker had a very good idea of the content that one another would be covering. Fascinating audience – I look forward to visiting again

— David Doherty
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We reached our destination

27 April 2011


Prepare for some unexpected news: the next MoMoAms is the last event we will organize in the foreseeable future. Read on to find out why.

When we started in 2007, we were out on a mission. Now, while heading to our four year anniversary, we took time to look in the rear view mirror and realized that we are nearing our destination. At the last event we promised that the next event will be special and we will make sure it is. First, a look back.

Rear view mirror
May 2007: the first MoMoAms event kicked off with over 200 guests. Our goal was to inspire and connect people in a world of unexplored opportunities. The mobile domain evolved rapidly. It was a time that the N95 was the absolute most awesome gadget you could have. Nobody really knew what to expect from mobile, other than that it would be something big. We had a bumpy road ahead and much to discover.

The here and now
Fast forward: four years later MoMoAms has a community of over 4000 Mobilistas, had 144 inspiring speakers on stage and 22 diverse topics on the subject of (mobile) technology and innovation. The event has become notorious for the speed at which the RSVPs tend to run out. Now, mobile is mainstream and you, one of our early adopters, have a better view on the road ahead.

Today, we are proud to see that The Netherlands has a vibrant and healthy mobile community. People know where to find each other and are eager to pioneer new mobile concepts. We realize that we have nearly reached the end of our journey. This is – to be fair – a frightening feeling. There is no other way to find our new destination than to take a break and stop organizing MoMoAms as you have come to know over the past years.

Where to go from here?
With little more than a month to go for our four year anniversary, we are ramping up for our closing accord. Six global thought leaders are already stretching their

Tumeur du foie : pronostic en fonction du stade, du grade et du risque

Tumeur du foie : pronostic en fonction du stade, du grade et du risque

minds to share their latest insights and ideas and most touching experiences in their talks. We will soon send out more information concerning the line-up and how to attend the event.

The technology evolution will not stop after the upcoming MoMoAms, neither will our thirst for great stories that need to be shared. We are excited to see where the new journey will take us.

Expect an e-mail about our final event soon, so: stay tuned!

Program for #momoams 20

25 March 2011

Here’s the final program for Monday.

16:00 Opening
16:10 Erwin Blom (NL)
16:30 Steven Kruyswijk (NL)
16:45 Tim Heineke (NL)
17:00 Julian Treasure (EN)
17:25 BREAK
17:55 Brian Whitman (EN)
18:20 Duncan Stutterheim (NL)
18:45 Closing
18:50 Drinks

You can RSVP via meetup if you’d like to join!

Introducing Tim Heineke

24 March 2011

Tim HeinekeTim Heineke (@timheineke) is the co-founder, prior to that music start-ups Twones and Fuga. Also co-owner of indie record label Kindred Spirits and co-organiser of Music and Bits and Music Hackday Amsterdam.

Introducing Brian Whitman

15 March 2011

Brian WhitmanBrian Whitman (@bwhitman) is the co-founder of The Echo Nest. As he’ll be sharing his ideas on the future of music at our upcoming event we asked Brian some questions…

Introducing Duncan Stutterheim

10 March 2011

Duncan StutterheimDuncan Stutterheim has made fame and fortune as the co-founder ID&T. What started out as a dance party in the Netherlands has grown to a global phenomenon in 21 countries. Duncan will share his vision on the role of music at the upcoming event. To get a better sense of who he is we asked him these 5 questions: