NEWS > Introducing Erwin Blom

Introducing Erwin Blom

10 March 2011

Erwin BlomErwin Blom (@erwblo) is the co-founder of the Crowds and a very know face in the Dutch twitter scene. We wanted to learn more about Erwin so we asked him these 5 questions:

1) If you could go to study again, what study would you chose? Why?
I am an old man, i’m from before the internet. If i could study again, i’d want to become a developer. Because i like to make things myself and most of the things i want i can make, but software i can’t.

2) What was you most remarkable public presentation (about what) and how did it go?
I like the presentation where i did a Bob Dylan. I wasn’t allowed to use Powerpoint or Keynote so i used paper ‘slides’. It was about the proces of making my book Handboek Communities. Like Dylan did in one of his clips. You can still find it on YouTube.

3) How will “mobile & music” develop over the next 3-5 years
Touchscreens and touchpads will develop into major music making devices. The people who call an iPad a consumption device are so wrong. Of course it is a consumption device, but so much more!

4) What do you believe to be the biggest hype at this moment? Why?
I like hypes! That’s why like music!

5) What do you expect from the event?
I expect it to rock!

posted by Marc Fonteijn |