NEWS > MoMo #11: How to get your seat

MoMo #11: How to get your seat

21 April 2009

On June 1st, 2009 Mobile Monday Amsterdam will celebrate their 2nd anniversary at MoMo #11. As mentioned before, we have some world class leaders on our program. Although the event remains free of entrance, there will be a partly different procedure regarding the registration.

Two ways to get your seat: RSVP
There will be two ways you can be at the event. As all ways there will be a possibility to RSVP for this event using Meetup. Keep an eye on your mailbox for an announcement. You will receive the announcement about the time and date of the release of the RSVPs when you are a member of our Meetup community (sign up if you want to become a member too). For next event we’ll have LESS places available via RSVP: only a 150 seats are freely available. The other seats will be divided in another way..

At MoMo #10 some people said that they were willing to pay for an event that would have three speakers as good as Gerd Leonhard. We don’t think that is a good idea. Mobile Monday Amsterdam organizes free events, and we like to keep it that way. Besides, there are other ways to make sure you get the interested people for an event. We came up with something we call the snowball – yes, a SNOWBALL on June 1st..

We’ll save quite a few seats for what we turned to call the snowball. The concept is easy: We approach a few people of who we think they add value to the event as a guest. We invite these people to suggest three others. In this way we hope to reach a high quality audience, of whom some might be introduced with Mobile Monday for a first time.

We are trying hard to improve our event. This way we hope to even further improve the quality of the event. Keep an eye on your mailbox for more information about the release of the RSVPs!

posted by Raimo van der Klein | tags: , , , , |