NEWS > [UPDATE] Rachel Hinman confirmed for MoMo#7

[UPDATE] Rachel Hinman confirmed for MoMo#7

01 August 2008

Rachel HinmanThis morning we received a confirmation that Rachel Hinman will provide a contribution to MoMo #7. Rachel Hinman is a mobile design strategist for Adaptive Path with over a decade of design industry experience. She is a strong believer in approaching mobile design and strategy from an empathic, human-centered perspective.

Rachel’s passion for people, design, and the belief that people can use technology to improve their lives has been the driving force of her career for the last ten years. At Adaptive Path, Rachel applies her unique empathic perspective to the design process, enabling innovative solutions that have a positive impact on people’s lives. Currently Rachel blogs her ideas about mobile design by posting sketches, drawings, and prototype ideas for 90 consecutive days (read her blog: 90 Mobiles in 90 Days).

Prior to joining Adaptive Path, Rachel worked within Yahoo!’s mobile group, employing user-centered methods to inform the design and strategy of Yahoo!’s mobile products. Much of her work-to-date has focused on improving the experience of accessing internet content on a mobile device.

Rachel’s innate sensitivity to people and culture have proven powerful skills in the field, enabling her to successfully lead research studies on mobile phone usage in the US, Europe, and Asia. She writes and speaks frequently on the topic of mobile research and design and was recently a featured author in Mobile Persuasion: 20 Perspectives on the Future of Behavioral Change, edited by BJ Fogg and Dean Eckles.

Rachel received a Masters Degree in Design Planning from the Institute of Design in Chicago. Her clients and previous employers have included IDEO, Microsoft, Yahoo! Mobile, Nokia, General Motors, and Kaiser Permanente.

user research, interaction design and design strategy

Find information about Rachel Hinman on the web:
– Her LinkedIn profile
– Her company Adaptive Path
– Her blog 90 Mobiles in 90 Days
– Her personal website

posted by Raimo van der Klein | tags: , , , , , |