NEWS > New MoMo Team Member

New MoMo Team Member

17 March 2008

We are proud to announce a new addition to the MoMo Team: Sam. For the next half year he will be part of the team and help to further improve Mobile Monday. Here is a short introduction in his words:

Hi, my name is Sam Warnaars, 26 years of age and a Communication student at the University of Twente. The coming six months I will be joining the MoMo team as a team-member. I will help the team with the work behind the scenes. While working at Mobile Monday I will also conduct a research for my Master thesis. It is great to be part of the MoMo team and work along the sides of a community which is ahead of the curve. I am looking forward to meet you on the next MoMo (March 31). I believe there are just a few tickets left for the event. Check here if you did not get yours yet (or go here on your mobile). See you there!

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